Sunday, June 30, 2013

Oregon passes unconstitutional bill that infringes natural right of parents to opt out of vaccination ‘requirements’

A new Oregon law would make it more difficult for parents to refuse vaccinations for their children, beyond the unconstitutionality of such a law. It really comes off as state propaganda, since the CDC (the drug industry's government mouthpiece) provides the "educational" material as part of a reeducation effort for those with a critical mind who choose to opt out.

Solar Held back by Government Policy

As is typical, progress is held back by government intervention and bad public policy. A more effective path would be to simply circumvent the bureaucracy and allow the market to work. 

Solar PV permitting processes tend to be rather laborious and slow-moving — especially in the US — so any improvements to and streamlining of such processes by local governments is to be highly commended. The bureaucracy associated with such permitting processes is thought to be one of the primary obstacles to higher rates of household solar PV adoption in the US.

Or we could keep letting the state make life worse. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Clarke on Two-Dimensional Life

"The planet was absolutely flat. Its enormous gravity had long ago crushed into one uniform level the mountains of its fiery youth-mountains whose mightiest peaks had never exceeded a few metres in height. Yet there was life here, for the surface was covered with a myriad geometrical patterns that crawled and moved and changed their colour. It was a world of two dimensions, inhabited by beings who could be no more than a fraction of a centimetre in thickness."

From Aurthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End, the author offers what reminds me of what Flatland must look like to a visitor, though I cannot imagine how a three-dimensional creature could survive under these pressures. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Volcano Spews 4km Ash Plume

Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano erupted Monday afternoon, sending a plume of ash almost four kilometers into the air and starting a number of wildfires. The 5,452-meter volcano is one of the most active in Mexico and has experienced several major eruptions since 1994.
