Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Neurogrid Artificial Brain

Inspired by GRAPE-6, a $60K supercomputer that has revolutionized astrophysics, Neurogrid provides an affordable option for brain simulations. It uses analog computation to emulate ion-channel activity and uses digital communication to softwire synaptic connections. These technologies impose different constraints, because they operate in parallel and in serial, respectively. Analog computation constrains the number of distinct ion-channel populations that can be simulated—unlike digital computation, which simply takes longer to run bigger simulations. Digital communication constrains the number of synaptic connections that can be activated per second—unlike analog communication, which simply sums additional inputs onto the same wire. Working within these constraints, Neurogrid achieves its goal of simulating multiple cortical areas in real-time by making judicious choices.

Could a computer capable of greater processing capacity than the human brain in a smaller package replace our own minds? If those computers became self-aware...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Comet ISON Now Visible to Naked Eye After Cosmic Outburst

Next Monday morning (Nov. 18), ISON will be passing close to the bright 1st magnitude star Spica in Virgo. Using the handle of the Big Dipper, sweep an arc to the brilliant orange star Arcturus. Then continue that arc on to Spica. Using binoculars, ISON should still be readily be visible as a fuzzy star with a short tail.
More: Comet ISON Now Visible to Naked Eye After Cosmic Outburst

Look to ESE over the next few days to spot the comet near the ecliptic. Follow the latest Comet ISON news at

Sunday, November 10, 2013

An Out-Of-Control Satellite Is Plummeting To Earth Right Now

A European gravity-mapping satellite has begun its uncontrolled descent through the atmosphere, and there's a (incredibly minuscule) chance it could land on your head.

My question is whether I get to keep if it lands on my property.