Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Large bright fireball with orange-green tail breaks apart over Queensland, Australia, 29 August 2012

It's an invasion!

29 Aug 2012 – Ann Tanner and Alfie Coghill, Brisbane, Queensland 8.15pm

Less than 5 seconds' visibility, facing North. North – East direction. Bright white ball of fire, brighter than the moon. Large, round, white ball of fire, dropped at speed from the sky. Biggest shooting star I've ever seen!

29 Aug 2012 – Jak Yeppoon, Capricorn Coast, Queensland, Australia 20.20pm/aest

4 seconds – Went behind mountain. North – West. I was facing West. Very bright green and an orange tail at the end. As bright as a weld flash solid… clean line, amazing.

29 Aug 2012 – Michael Klazema & Lisa Eroshkin Mackay, Queensland, Australia 20:15 EST

3/4 sec – NE-SW. White fireball with a short white tail with debris of green and orange bits falling off. Very large bright star. On its travel a short distance from the horizon there appeared to be a short break in the light but reappeared instantaneously before fading out on the horizon.

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