Friday, November 9, 2012

Science Fucking Rocks!

Time-Travel is easy.  All of us do it every day.  But only in one direction.  For thousands of years,scientists  and  philosophers  have  talked  of  time  as  a  "river  that  flows  steadily  onward  year-after-year". But  what  if  there  were  a  way  to  swim  against  the  flow?    Or  to  run  down  the  bank  ahead  of  the  river? Might we might be able to journey back-and-forth in time just as we travel through space.  The idea is not as far-fetched as it sounds.  And the implications for the future are intriguing. 

Super-Science , NOT Fantasy!

Ever  since  Einstein,  scientists  have  considered  time  and  3-dimensional  space  not  as  2  different things  but  as  different  aspects  of  a  4-dimensional  "space-time".    Quantum  physicists(who  study  the world of subatomic particles) often find it easier to explain events by assuming time runs  backward as well as forward despite however much it defies common sense.
At the other extreme, cosmologists looking at the Universe on a grand scale have found that  space and  time  can  be  warped  by  gravity  and speed.    Back  in  the  1940s,  German mathematician  Kurt Goedel  proved  that  if  we could  warp  and  twist  space-time  enough creating  what  he  called  "Closed, Time-like Curves (CTC)" -- then we could bore tunnels through time itself.  But no one knew how to do the twisting.  Until black holes.

Sounds like another great addition to my regular reads.

I have read many books regarding philosophy,religion but they doesn't satisfies the thirst of knowing the real existence of who we are? and where are we from? but little knowing of all those stuffs got a drastic change after read Buddha's concepts and thoughts, and studying the mysteries of universe paving the way to visualize the things, and understands the shapes and structures of my musings. Here i share my thoughts and things that makes me exciting and startling.

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