Monday, December 10, 2012

Google Doodle Honors Ada Lovelace
Google is celebrating the 197th birthday of Ada Lovelace - considered to be the world's first computer programmer - with a homepage doodle that honors her contributions to computer science.
The doodle features Lovelace at her desk, hard at work on an equation, the paper spilling onto the floor and forming the Google logo. Bubbles atop the logo show the evolution of the computer, from Lovelace's equations to bulky mainframes to today's portable laptops and tablets.
Lovelace was not the only math whiz in her family. Though her father was well-known poet Lord Byron, her mother - Annabella Milbanke Byron - reportedly did not want Ada to follow in his "volatile, poetic" footsteps, and therefore had Ada focus on science and math. It worked, and Ada became a mathematician and worked with Charles Babbage, who was developing his Analytical Engine. Since some of her programming notes for the machine survived, Lovelace earned the distinction of being the first documented programmer in the world.
Since 2009, Lovelace fans have honored her contributions with an official Ada Lovelace Day. This year, it took place on Oct. 16 and the 2013 celebration is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 15.
"Ada Lovelace Day is about sharing stories of women — whether engineers, scientists, technologists or mathematicians — who have inspired you to become who you are today," according to the organization's website. "The aim is to create new role models for girls and women in these male-dominated fields by raising the profile of other women in STEM."
Enthusiasts are encouraged to add their own stories to the website.

More: Google Doodle Honors Ada Lovelace, World's First Programmer | News & Opinion |

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