Monday, January 7, 2013

The Rise and Fall of the Canada Lynx and Snowshoe Hare

An interesting article on the rises and declines in the interconnected Canadian lynx and snowshoe hare populations:

Amid the understory of North America's boreal forests, the Canada lynx lies in wait for its favorite prey, the snowshoe hare. Positioning itself along one of the well-beaten trails connecting the hare's feeding and nesting sites, the lynx sits patiently, its mottled gray coat camouflaging it in the brush. When a hare happens by, the lynx makes its move, bounding from its cover and initiating an exhilarating chase in which the hare dashes one way, then another, frantically trying to evade its adversary. And whether for the thrill of the chase, the tantalizing taste of the hare, or a combination thereof, the lynx will wait hours on end for this moment, the opportunity to pounce on an unsuspecting snowshoe hare.

I was a bit disappointed in myself for not fully learning about the link between the populations before visiting the Yukon territory...

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