Monday, April 29, 2013

Schrödinger's God is Dead Alive

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I love being agnostic, because both positions are potentially plausible. I try to ground my beliefs in scientific principle as well as philosophy and morality, and not knowing whether something exists at once proves that it can not be proven either way without hard evidence. 

Schrodinger's cat is both dead and alive, and I believe the principle applies to theistic arguments as well. On one hand, I can not disprove the existence of gods, and on the other a theist is equally unable to prove the existence. We are at an impasse but the agorist in me takes it a bit further, promoting the idea that we are both wrong, and both right. 

I am an agnostic agorist for good reason.  Grounded in the nonaggression principle, it is immoral for a theist to force his view on me, and equally immoral for me to force my view on a theist. We can both be correct and incorrect at the same time. 

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