Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Space Shuttle Enterprise gets ride on barge

Space Shuttle Enterprise gets ride on barge

Space Shuttle Enterprise is carried by barge underneath the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge on June 3, 2012 in New York City. Enterprise is on it's way to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, where it will put on permanent display.


I am a science geek and a fan of scifi, but in a way it's good to see the shuttle program coming to an end. My greatest contention with taxpayer-funded programs like this is the necessities set aside for them. We could put that money toward housing, clothing, and feeding the world's poor, improving our global society. I am as efficient as possible in my own life and choices, I just wish governments operated more realistically as well. 

Imagine a world free of poverty, one that could give way to scientific endeavors like space exploration. That would be good for humanity. We should not have to sacrifice to gather rocks from distant celestial bodies. 

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