Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stargazing: VISTA's IR of the Orion Nebula

This makes me want to move to a place with less light pollution and get a good reflector telescope. 

This wide-field view of the Orion Nebula (Messier 42), lying about 1350 light-years from Earth, was taken with the VISTA infrared survey telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile. The new telescope's huge field of view allows the whole nebula and its surroundings to be imaged in a single picture and its infrared vision also means that it can peer deep into the normally hidden dusty regions and reveal the curious antics of the very active young stars buried there. This image was created from images taken through Z, J and Ks filters in the near-infrared part of the spectrum. The exposure times were ten minutes per filter. The image covers a region of sky about one degree by 1.5 degrees. Credit:ESO/J. Emerson/VISTA. Tap © to visit the web site. Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit

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